Order making is posible without registration.
When making an order, keep in mind that the good might slightly differ from what's seen on the picture, the description of the goods might not be detailed enough, you should contact us for details and more information.
Follow these steps:
Select a goods category, then select the needed good, input desired quantity, click on the button and the selected good will be automatically added to your cart. When viewing the cart, check your order again, correct any possible mistakes, update quantities or completely remove a good from the cart, as well as provide the desired way and address of delivery. Submit your order.
Our warehouse receives electronic orders 24/7. When your order is received, our siystem will send you the confirmation message. Order handling is done during 1-3 workdays.
After handling the order, our customer support service will contact you to confirm any related details and the resulting payment sum.
In case of a self-delivery, payment is done in cash or using a credit card on the spot. The deal is confirmed by a bill.
In case of delivery to a specific address or terminal, the customer is billed in advance. The payment has to be sent to the specified bank account during the next 3 workdays since ordering. Otherwise, the order is annulled.